Saturday, February 21, 2015


Life is not all work here in Rankin Inlet, NUNAVUT TERRITORY. To keep my mind active, rather than just watching the TV or playing on the internet when connections are available, I've got some distractions. The last time, I resorted to a blog. It was well received,so I'm doing that again. It makes me look at things objectively, noting the many differences here in the north, and it allowed friends, family and co-workers, (both medical and otherwise), an opportunity to become educated about an area of our country that few have had the privilege of visiting. The Canadian Arctic is a vast area under extreme change, for many reasons.
The KIVALLIQ HEALTH CENTRE stands on the street corner with lots of property surrounding
Things, both in and on the ground, will continue to stress this environment, as will the changing climate, in ways that are unimaginable. For the people who live here, change is in the wind and concerns run wild. Seven years ago, these concerns were expressed to me. Now further change is an even greater rate.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Branch #169 as it stands today
This hamlet has grown. New warehouses near the airport were recognized immediately on touchdown and confirmed on my trip into town from the airport. Seven years ago the KIVALLIQ REGIONAL HEALTH CENTRE stood in a newer section of town (area 6). The building had been completed just a couple of years prior to my past visit. It had very few buildings near it.

A sunny day shines on the Legion in 2008
To the North North West of the Health Centre is the Legion. Just a short walk from where I'm currently bunked. This past sunday afternoon, amid an overcast sky with snow blowing at times, I spent some time looking at my 2008 photos to try to see if it was possible to notice changes from the last time. I've included a couple here as a comparison.

A few years ago, I decided to pursue another dream, after I had stopped one day along the Thorold Townline road on the Niagara Falls-Thorold border, at the NIAGARA REGIONAL MODEL FLYING CLUB field. I watched in amazement at the skill these fellas possessed and how they could make those models perform. Over the next three years I have been able to develop a few of those skills. First, I used a flying simulator program on the laptop. After discussions, I chose PHOENIX since it had free upgrades, I started with Version 3 which was updated from version “g” to eventually “t”, before Version 4 was released and now am using Version 5”v”. Can Version 6 be far behind? The program is loaded and on my
laptop and gives me practice for my stick time.
Phoenix Version 6 with my Apprentice Trainer

Coaxial S107G 3-channel in Yellow
Then I got a “foamy” trainer for the field and it took a long time til I qualified getting my wings last fall. I stayed with electric rather than going liquid fuel for several reasons. In the meantime, several of our club members fly indoors in the winter at several locations. First, they started flying many saturdays at St. George Anglican Church Hall for a few years now. Some older members of this group approached the City of St. Catharines and we now have a Seniors program tuesday and thursday mornings, 9-12, at the Port Weller Community Centre on Bogart Street. There, we can fly indoors or outside in the more pleasant weather, year round.

The V911 Version 2 hovering nicely
The third place that indoor flying is occurring is a the YOUNG'S SPORTS COMPLEX in Welland. Finally there is a group flying indoors at the Recreation Centre in Niagara on the Lake. Indoors, I started with a Night Vapor, and am still flying....of course it has been modified and parts have been replaced... gravity, can be so unkind!!! And then we have built some planes using Dollar Store for, board, hot glue and meat skewers or popsicle sticks....add the electronics, battery and the fun begins.

 But, here in Rankin Inlet, I don't think there will be many indoor pilots. All kinds of outdoor ones flying everywhere but these model planes don't tolerate gusting winds well. So thinking indoors and never having flown a radio-controlled helicopter, I decide that this was the route to go. On January 3, I ordered a WILTOY V911 Version 2 from I also ordered extra parts, blades, batteries and such. All told there are four parcels and three have arrived to date. They have free shipping to anywhere in Canada unlike the surcharge usually added to any Canada Post parcel to the territories. Not knowing when they would arrive, I simply shipped them to myself “c/o XRAY DEPARTMENT” of the Health Centre and notified my boss that they may be showing up. They only arrived a week before I got here and they were stowed until my arrival. One, with some extra batteries, is MIA.

Upon opening the packages all was present and, I'm pleased to report, as of today are operational. Both small helicopters have been flying inside my accommodations today. The trick was trying to hover and take the photos at the same time...quite a feat since, I've never flown a rotor before today! Now to recharge the batteries and continue my learning.

Having worked in a hospital for almost 40 years, I've given a new meaning to the phrase “THE FLEET IS IN!!!!

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