Sunday, February 15, 2015

DAY THREE: It's About People

Having gotten in a little early for work on Friday, I decided to check out the bulletin and notice boards in the Health Center. The problem today is that with emails, PDF's and all manner of spam...the notice boards are not what they once were. They disseminated information. They were a meeting place for people, where actual discussions took place and opinions were voiced...and not a messaging forward or texting thing to be read and, perhaps, not completely understood. People took pride in how they arranged their posted information for all to see.

I see some of that pride here. For the present, I don't know who is responsible but there are some neat notices and some well thought out educational materials displayed. Even better, it's labelled in both Inuktitut and English...sometimes French as well. Even in the arena last night, there were huge
Last year's Miltiary Operation in the Arctic in February
banners educating about the flu bug...hand washing and other prevention methods...both banners completely written in two of Nunavut's 3 official languages. Other signs printed in all 3.

Friday was my first full day at the Centre. We had no cases booked from other communities. I found out later why. They don't like to book elective examinations on a friday in case the patients get snowbound in Rankin Inlet. They prefer to get them in and out same day. So next week will be catch up week for “THE SPINES OF THE NORTH” since Marie is not certified for spine or skull work and there is some backlog since the previous xray tech left a week ago.

After some discussion with Marie and Lavinia (who I worked with before as the LAB/XRAY clerk and right hand man) we have set a goal and are working to clearing those awaiting service. Arviat, Baker Lake, Whale Cove, Repulse Bay and Chesterfield Inlet residents will be flying in to have their
KIVALLIQ is one of three distinct reions of Nunavut Territory
xrays and then flying back home. Their films will be sent out to the Radiology group in Winnipeg and reports will be emailed to us with the films returning later. Extremities and Chests are handled at those settlements, but spines take more that a portable machine to accomplish diagnostic quality images.Yes, you heard correctly, we are still using film.

Lavinia and her sister, do the bookings and coordinate with the medical travel office for those appointments...but again, they try to avoid fridays. Each friday, is a special day, in itself, as we are closed on the weekends, except for emergencies and the on-call nurse has our cell number readily available, if we are required. Marie has kindly offered to take call all weekend but I've left her my cell number in case she needs something rather than having to “medivac” any patients. Yes, friday is also known as coffee “half and half day”.
Getting the tickets ready for the half and half.

We don't pay for our coffee and tea during our breaks here at the centre....It's certainly unique these days and works very well here. Tickets are sold with half the money going towards maintaining the necessary coffee funds and the winner is announced around 4 p.m. on friday afternoon. Hard to believe it, I didn't win...but I have five more chances!!!! Tickets go for $2 each and $5 for three...I bought five and considered it a bargain given the price of groceries here. Not sure who won...not someone I readily recognized...maybe a Susan or Suzie....but she walked out of here on friday afternoon with $116.00 in her pocket.
1 for $2 OR 3 for $5

That would certainly help anyone because this weekend is the big bingo double header for Valentine's day. Normally, friday is bingo night. You get to the recreation complex (no swimming pool here...that I know of...yet!) to get your cards. Then you take your cards home and listen on the radio for your numbers to be called. “RADIO BINGO”. Knowing the ingenuity of everyone here, speed dials are set to the number needed to collect...Marie told me she had won a considerable sum once. I won't divulge the amount, lest CRA demands an audit.

This Saturday is Valentine's Day and the pot grew as well..we are talking thousands of dollars here for the winners. Cards were $20 for friday's games..but the big one is on saturday and have the cards selling for $30. I think you get three cards to play all night but those details are not confirmed. I did ask if they called out the numbers in English or Inuktitut first, figuring I might have an edge if they did both (and english was first). I would still lose, these are VERY SERIOUS BINGO PEOPLE.

Before 1030 hours, I had also supported the Under 12 Boys Soccer League raffle...good thing 'cause when I got to the Northern tonight they were selling the tickets there as well. The drawing is March 29 and I should be south by then...but this is the north and things can change! Sam, from the Health Centre has willingly offered his services to get the first prize home should I win it or store it for me til the next time I'm here (LOL). We have started to discuss the logistics but he seems quite serious that it can be done anytime til the end of April at least to Winnipeg.
The prizes are listed...I'll just have to pay to ship them well, other topics in the news this week.
Fifth prize is an XBOX ONE and I don't have one (yet) so that would be nice. Fourth prize isn't bad either
 Thursday in the Lobby of the "Polo Park" Holiday Inn
as it's a PLAY STATION 4. I don't have one of these. The third prize is an “ESKIMO ICE AUGER”. I don't have one of these either. Second prize is a 58” SAMSUNG TV and SONY HOME THEATRE SYSTEM...again, so far, not in my house. I got a 32” Toshiba...and if won, we'd have to re-decorate...perhaps we'll pass on this one. The GRAND PRIZE that Sam is convinced that either he, or I, will win is a brand new 2011 YAMAHA BRAVO snow machine ...probably similar to the one that was in the Holiday Inn Polo Park location lobby in Winnipeg. Sam is convinced we can get Jerry can drop zones organized all the way south. Maybe we've been watching too much Arctic Air....cause I sort of agreed it could be done. BUT....then...with that tag-a-long sled loaded down with provisions and gas remaining on all the lakes......hey...

You get a lot of dreaming for $10 up here....and you'll never see that on a 649 commercial down south.


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